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Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


I. pro noun see: who Date: before 12th century

1. a. (1) — used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity, nature, or value of an object or matter (2) — often used to ask for repetition of an utterance or part of an utterance not properly heard or understood b. who 1, (2) — used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the character, nature, occupation, position, or role of a person c. — used as an exclamation expressing surprise or excitement and frequently introducing a question d. — used in expressions directing attention to a statement that the speaker is about to make e. (1) — used at the end of a question to express inquiry about additional possibilities (2) — used with or at the end of a question usually in expectation of agreement f. chiefly British — used at the end of an utterance as a form of tag question that IV,1, which 3, who 3,

3. that which ; the one or ones that , the thing or things that ,

4. whatever 1a , whoever ,

II. adverb Date: before 12th century why , in what respect ; how ,

3. — used to introduce prepositional phrases in parallel construction or a prepositional phrase that expresses cause and usually has more than one object; used principally before phrases beginning with with

III. adjective
Date: 13th century

1. a. — used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity, nature, or value of a person, object, or matter how remarkable or striking for good or bad qualities,

2. a. whatever 1a, any , the…that ; as much or as many…as