ANSWER: значение слова

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Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


I. noun see: ante- Date: before 12th century

1. something spoken or written in reply to a question, a correct response , a reply to a legal charge or suit ; plea , something done in response or reaction , a solution of a problem , one that imitates, matches, or corresponds to another , Synonyms: see: answer

II. verb (answered; answering) Date: before 12th century intransitive verb to speak or write in reply,

2. to be or make oneself responsible or accountable , to make amends ; atone , to be in conformity or correspondence , to act in response to an action performed elsewhere or by another , to be adequate ; serve , transitive verb

1. to speak or write in reply to , to say or write by way of reply , to reply to in rebuttal, justification, or explanation ,

3. to correspond to , to be adequate or usable for ; fulfill , to atone for, to act in response to , to offer a solution for, answerer noun